• Pregnancy Week 18

    Nov 17, 2020
    At the beginning of the 18th week of pregnancy, the mother should switch from lying face down to lying on the side, because the baby and the uterus are so large that they can press the aorta behind the mother's abdomen. This can lead to a decrease in the amount of blood that goes to the heart until your mother develops dizziness, or worse, hypotension sounds scary, but these can be prevented...

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  • Pregnancy Week 17

    Nov 17, 2020
    It's time to make a decision. When you are 17 weeks pregnant, mothers should have a clearer plan, such as wanting to know their child's gender when undergoing an ultrasound (unless they know it since the first trimester of the ultrasound), or attend a mother-to-baby class. When you start making these decisions, Pregnancy will feel more realistic...

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  • Pregnancy Week 16

    Nov 17, 2020
    My mother is now 16 weeks pregnant. Things are getting really exciting this week, mom may have a doctor's appointment again and you'll hear your heart beating again as well. But even more exciting is that mothers will feel the time for the kick-off, which should start this week.

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