Pregnancy Week 17
17 Nov , 2020

Pregnancy Week 17

It's time to make a decision. When you are 17 weeks pregnant, mothers should have a clearer plan, such as wanting to know their child's gender when undergoing an ultrasound (unless they know it since the first trimester of the ultrasound), or attend a mother-to-baby class. When you start making these decisions, The pregnancy will feel more realistic and even more exciting. But part of the mother is also concerned. Now that she's 17 weeks pregnant, it's almost halfway there, and there's so much to do that she can't feel like she's going to be able to handle it. Try asking for help, and whatever it's done is not done, you'll find that it might not actually be that important.

What is the size of a 17-week-old fetus?

The 17-week-old baby is about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces.

17 weeks pregnant

In week 17, she was four months pregnant, but the key point was that the pregnancy was actually longer than nine months. Because it's 40 weeks. If you think one month is four weeks, that means 10 months. Of course, some months can be more than four weeks, and it can be confusing for mothers. This is why doctors follow pregnancy on a weekly basis rather than monthly.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 17 weeks

When you are 17 weeks pregnant, the symptoms are primarily caused by rapid growth of the baby, which can be as follows:

  • The body produces more fluids, including whiteness, sweat, snot and other fluids, as the mother's blood flow increases.
  • Weird dreams Dreaming of giving birth to a chipmunk, dreaming of marrying a boss. These strange dreams can be caused by hormones, or it may actually be the result of your mother's anxiety.
  • Itchy breasts and stomach As you grow, The mother's skin is stretched and thinner, and it may be more irritating. Avoid scratching and finding a cream that soothes the skin to relieve itching.
  • Fast weight gain Mothers may have gained about 5 to 10 pounds now, gaining 1 or 2 pounds a week is normal in the second quarter, but unusually fast weight gain can be a sign of trouble. Don't forget to tell your doctor if you've gained more weight than you should.
  • Because the mother has gained weight and the uterus is constantly expanding. Therefore, cracks can be inevitable (especially when the mother is 17 weeks pregnant with the baby of twins). This problem occurs differently in each woman, drinking plenty of water to moisturize the skin and use a good moisturizer to prevent these symptoms.

Your mother's pregnancy is 17 weeks pregnant.

Now that your baby is getting stronger and stronger, your body is getting bigger as well. The weight can come up to 1 or 2 pounds per week. If you are pregnant with twins, the weight should be up to the same criteria. Don't forget to take a picture of your growing stomach. We'd like to say that one day my mother looked back and remembered her. Mothers will want to rethink how their bodies have changed.

Ultrasound at 17 weeks of pregnancy

For now, your rubber-like cartilage is turning into a hardened bone. The umbilical cord of the 17-week-old embryo is also stronger and thicker.

Mothers may be given ultrasound during this period. If you decide to collect a sample of baby blood from the umbilical cord, you will be asked to take a sample of the baby Blood from the umbilical cord is examined for signs of chromosomal abnormalities. The doctor will use the ultrasound to locate the umbilical cord connected to the placenta. That's where the bleeding is. In general, this diagnosis is made after 17 weeks, mothers may need to undergo this test if the amniotic fluid puncture results are not clear enough, and the mother and father want a definitive answer about their health.

Checklist for 17-week pregnancy

What to do this week:

  1. It's time to decide – If you want to know your child's gender in the next ultrasound (if you don't know it before).
  2. Find skin care products on your stomach.
  3. Find inspiration to decorate the ball room.
  4. Plan maternity leave


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