Pregnancy Week 16
17 Nov , 2020

Pregnancy Week 16

My mother is now 16 weeks pregnant. Things are getting really exciting this week, mom may have a doctor's appointment again and you'll hear your heart beating again as well. But even more exciting is that mothers will feel the time for the kick-off, which should start this week. And the other thing is, you're starting to hear your voice and i'll remember it when you give birth. So if there's a chance, Mothers can talk to their baby all the time.

What is the size of a 16-week-old fetus?

At 16 weeks, you'll be the same size as an avocado. It is about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces.

16 weeks pregnant

The 16th week is the same as four months of pregnancy, but don't forget that most doctors will monitor the progress of pregnancy on a weekly basis rather than monthly.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 16 weeks

Some of the good stories that mothers may find in Week 16 are good, such as that some mothers may feel their hair and nails longer. Leaves hair thicker & more shiny The skin looks radiant. That's great, isn't it?

  • Back pain Back pain is a side effect of hormones during pregnancy. The way to relieve it is to exercise gently, try to sit or stand upright and stretch your body frequently.
  • Enlarged breasts Even now, your mother's breasts may be quite large and should be prepared for breastfeeding at the end of the second trimester.
  • Constipation The excretory excretion is the result of the uterus starting to press the intestines. Try eating a high-fiber diet and drinking plenty of water.
  • Forgetfulness The condition, also known as #PregnancyBrain, does not know exactly what causes women to forget more. It can be biological, or it's just the result of a lot of pregnant people.
  • Dry eyes and itching are the result of hormones again! You can try to get a general eye drops, but please consult your doctor first.
  • The skin is radiant. Finally, the skin that is pregnant is finally formed. I'm so glad!

If a mother reaches the 16th week of pregnancy, the symptoms may not be different from a single mother holding a baby, but of course the mother would like to report it to the doctor no matter what happens, because the pregnancy of the twins is at higher risk. Therefore, the doctor wants to closely monitor the symptoms of the mother and baby.

Your mother's pregnancy is 16 weeks pregnant.

Soon, you'll feel the movement of your 16-week-old fetus. In the beginning, Your child's movements can make your mother feel like a faint or muscle spasm, but as time passes, you'll be able to see the muscles. As the baby grows and gets stronger, Everything will be clearer. If you're carrying twins in the 16th week, you may feel the same level of movement as a single mother, but over time, the twins will feel more flexing.

Of course, feeling that you are struggling with other problems, such as being ripped from a growing baby, may cause your mother to breathe a little from time to time.

Ultrasound at 16 weeks of pregnancy

Within 16 weeks of pregnancy, I was listening to my mother's voice. Thanks to the small bones that have formed in your little ear, The 16-week fetus begins to regenerate hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. Taste buds have also been formed.

You should see a doctor during the 16th week, and as always, you'll need a urine test. The doctor will see if your mother's urine is any sign of signs of diabetes during pregnancy or preeclampsia. And this appointment may include ultrasound.

Checklist for 16 weeks pregnancy

What to do this week:

  1. 20th week of pregnancy
  2. A thorough ultrasound appointment when pregnant is halfway.
  3. Find your name (if you haven't even started!)
  4. Start searching for skin care products on the belly.


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