Pregnancy Week 41
21 Nov , 2020

Pregnancy Week 41

My mother never thought she'd be pregnant for the 41st week, but it's here! Because you have extra time to get pregnant. Therefore, it is gaining weight and may be more awake during childbirth. Compared to children born earlier this week, this week, The jitters can make you feel almost unbearable, but believe that there are so many mothers who carry too many mothers who are overweight and everything is still normal. Before diapers and breastfeeding, you wouldn't have time to focus on anything else.

How large is the fetus at 41 weeks?

In the 41st week, the ball is the size of a watermelon, on average, 20.4 inches long and weighs 7.9 pounds.

41 weeks pregnant

When i arrived this week, my mother was 10 months pregnant.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 41 weeks

The most common symptoms of pregnancy in the 41st week are due to symptoms in the third trimester.

  • Uncomfortable pelvic area The baby may move lower and put pressure on the mother's bladder and cervix. The mother's pain was caused by the lower part.
  • Hemorrhoids The pressure on the pelvic area causes the veins to line up. The anus is swollen until hemorrhoids. And it may even get worse when the mother is born, but eventually the swelling will disappear.
  • Both things make it super difficult for mothers to sleep, and after giving birth, they will not get much sleep, so it is a practice, but if possible, find as much time to rest as possible to prepare for childbirth.
  • Frequent urination Now that you're right in your mother's bladder, you can go to the bathroom more often!
  • The uterus squeezes. Abdominal squeezing is more and more frequent and clearer as the baby is awake, preparing for childbirth.

Signs of childbirth in week 41

But let's take a quick review of how the mother should call her doctor immediately when she has the following symptoms:

  • There is a constant flow of clear fluid from the vagina, which may mean that your mother's amniotic cyst is broken.
  • The pain in the stomach continues and gradually grows.

Your mother may also want to inform the doctor if there is an abnormality such as bleeding or pain in the abdomen.

If you have no signs of pain, you will be able to get pregnant. Be patient! Even if the cervix doesn't open, you'll be able to get pregnant tomorrow.

41st week maternity acceleration

Can't you start waiting? Let's get this we understand. The 40-week pregnancy isn't much fun, the bigger the pregnancy, the more you're ready to see your child, and everyone who's found it says, "Are you stillborn?" Eating spicy things (except for burning in the middle of your chest), walking hard, having sex (if you want to) and maybe trying acupuncture (although not sure)!

Doctors may be discussing medical lymphoma this week, as over-birth children may be at increased risk. Ask your doctor if you have any means and what risks you might have if you continue to carry your stomach. The rush to delivery has many advantages (i.e. not to rush to the hospital when you have a sore stomach!). But not to rush the ball out has the advantages that should be taken into account. Some women say the squeeze will be more painful and severe if it is accelerated, and others say that waiting to start hurting at home is more comfortable than starting to hurt in the delivery room.

If you choose to rush to give birth this week, There are many ways to help.

  • Erosion of amniotic sac or cervical sweeping Actually, this is a natural way of inducing birth, but it's important for doctors to do it. This is a good way to do it in the examination room. If you're a mom, you're willing to try this uncomfortable way. The doctor inserts his finger and sweeps the amniotic cyst to remove the amniotic cyst from the lower part of the uterus. And it encourages the secretion of hormones that cause pain in the womb. This may not be successful, but if it succeeds, In a few hours, you'll get hurt.
  • Amniotic cyst penetration Doctors can make you walk by using a plastic device that looks like a small hook, it is used this way in case your mother has had a hysterectomy squeezed for a while but has not yet entered the full maternity sore process.
  • Give birth rush. This week, two medications can be used to speed up the birth. The first is to use prostatoginin in the form of a vaginal suppositories, with suppositories overnight to allow the cervix to start opening. This is the saline solution to make the uterus begin to squeeze immediately.

Ultrasound at 41 weeks of pregnancy

While waiting for you to come out. You might plump a little bit. My hair and nails are longer. It's no wonder that some of the children are born with so long hair and nails that they can take them to the salon!

The doctor may have a non-stress test and ultrasound to make sure that the baby is all right, which will help you decide if the baby should be accelerated.

Checklist for 41-week pregnancy

What to do this week:

  1. Appointment to the maternity appointment according to the mother's needs
  2. Rest, maternity,
  3. Watch some TV!
  4. Take more walks.


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