Pregnancy Week 22
17 Nov , 2020

Pregnancy Week 22

There's a lot of stuff in your mother's belly right now! At 22 weeks of pregnancy, a fast-growing baby is occupying the space inside her mother's stomach. This is why mothers may occasionally suffocate and feel a lot of back pain. As the baby grows, Although these things may have been very much enlarged (and fast) in the 22nd week, you'll be able to keep your mother's stomach shattered (this is really sad), and the mother may have just found herself "navel-gazing"!

What is the size of a 22-week-old fetus?

In the 22nd week, you're the size of a coconut! The average size of a 22-week-old baby in the belly is 10.9 inches long from my mother's to heel and weighs 15.2 ounces.

22 weeks pregnant

Well, it's been a tough month now. My mother is five months pregnant now, even though doctors are following the pregnancy on a weekly basis rather than monthly.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 22 weeks

The typical symptoms of a 22-week-old pregnancy caused by a baby (one or several) take up a lot of space in your mother's body.

  • Cracks These scars occur when your mother's skin is stretched so quickly that it tears the lower skin layer. The bad thing is that these marks will never disappear permanently, งผลิตภัณฑ์บำรุงผิวสำหรับคนท้อง but their color will fade after birth and will be less noticeable.
  • Navel The mother's dented navel may have been pushed out until it became a navel. This is another symptom of an enlarged stomach. You may feel strange, right? We guarantee!
  • Higher sexual desire Some mothers find themselves having more sexual desire during week 22, because hormones are getting violent in this period (hopefully it's a good thing!).
  • The whitening at the bottom makes you feel unwell, right? It's just the result of increased blood flow in that area. This is also one of the reasons some mothers don't feel sexually active at this time. But we think you should try to chill out. We believe you don't feel bad about you.
  • Swollen hands and feet while pregnant In your body, the mother will have more fluid. Therefore, a slight swelling is very normal and disappears as soon as the baby is born. But if there is severe and rapid swelling, that is unusual and can be a sign of a dangerous pregnancy problem, which is preeclampsia. Therefore, it is necessary to inform the doctor immediately if the mother has acute swelling.
  • Back pain The mother's back is caused by increased pressure from the unborn child and from the overall weight of the body. Hot Compress A prenatal massage or sleeping using a buoyancy pillow can help relieve pain.
  • Hair & Hair Fast Hair This is a good symptom. If the longer hairs are hair on the head, but for hairs in other areas, you should blame the hormones (you can pull them out if you want).
  • I can't breathe. I started to scramble more and more lungs, causing my mother to breathe from time to time. Don't forget to do not exercise too hard and when you feel dizzy, take a break immediately.

Your mother's pregnancy is 22 weeks pregnant.

The 22-week-old pregnancy is typically about 20 to 24 centimeters, measured from a head of the head to the top of the uterus. This is a measure of the height of the uterus. If you are 22 weeks pregnant with twins, this is not measured because the pregnancy of the twins is very different, so there is no real "normal value".

This week, mothers may be worried about their weight gain. The obstetrician is told to gain weight slowly but consistently. About 1 pound or a little less per week. It depends on the nature of your mother's body and how it can be. Many people recommend that moms eat 300 calories a day, don't worry about counting too many calories. It's just a quick guide.

300 extra calories a day doesn't always mean that you have to eat three meals plus one or two snacks a day. In fact, mothers should consider whether to switch to eating five or six small meals. Is it better to be a day? This makes it easier to control your eating balance (because...let's admit that we tend to choose healthy foods in the main meal. But snacks aren't like that.) In addition, eating small meals frequently reduces the chances of mothers running out of energy. It's burning in the middle of the chest. This is good for you, food, indigestion and other issues during week 22.

Ultrasound at 22 weeks of pregnancy

Now your eyes and lips have improved dramatically. It looks more like a newborn every day. You're going to sleep around. Around 12 to 14 hours a day (hints that when you fall asleep, you won't feel like you're kicking!).

If the mother does not have an ultrasound at the halfway point of pregnancy. This week will definitely be done, and the ultrasound during the 18th-22nd week will allow the mother to see all of her vital organs and body, and it is during which the mother may need a genetic test that is still pending. Now you're comfortable!

Checklist for 22-week pregnancy

What to do this week

  1. Find a great photographer to capture your pregnancy.
  2. Decide whether to take your child into daycare or find a nanny.
  3. Make your mom's clothes ready.


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