Pregnancy Week 27
20 Nov , 2020

Pregnancy Week 27

Raise a glass high and wave goodbye to the second quarter! Next week, the mother will officially enter the third quarter.

In week 27, you're breathing (but breathing amniotic fluid isn't the air, but it's still great). It also shows the function of the brain. You have a lot to think about. From wondering what it's like to be born, to finding the best pediatric doctor for you. While it is moving into the third quarter, Get ready for a little awkward stuff (i.e. having to pee all the time, and maybe when you don't even intend to pee!). All of them are symptoms of post-pregnancy and only temporary. It's time to make it to the final.

What is the size of a 27-week-old fetus?

In week 27, you're the size of a turnip. The average length of a 27-week-old baby in a mother's belly is 14.4 inches and weighs 1.9 ounces.

27 weeks pregnant

The 27-week-old pregnancy is about six months pregnant. Mom is now in the final week of the second quarter.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 27 weeks

The annoying symptoms that your mother has encountered have not gone away easily, but at least you can find a way to cope with it, or maybe you'll get used to it. The most common symptoms in the 27 weeks include:

  • Cramping Stretching your feet can help, as well as drinking plenty of water to prevent these pains.
  • Back pain Stretch your back, it can help. It can help relieve pressure on your hips and help your mother stay in a แม่ comfortable เล่นโยคะก่อนคลอด posture lately.
  • Constipation If you're not comfortable with the excretion and doing everything you can, Whether it's eating high-fiber foods, drinking plenty of water and walking frequently, try your doctor for a supplement with fiber or a safe dosage.
  • Hemorrhoids The pressure on the lower abdominal organs can cause unwanted symptoms.
  • My skin, hair and nails have changed. This is one of the unexpected symptoms that occurs during pregnancy. Your mother's skin, hair and nails may be thicker or longer faster (yes!), but it may be more brittle as well (oh).
  • Urinary incontinence This condition occurs when the mother sneezes, because you create a lot of pressure on your mother's bladder, and you can barely do anything. In addition to frequently peeing to make your bladder available, you can put a sanitary pad on it if you're worried about an unexpected event.

A woman who can have twins. Therefore, if you notice abnormal symptoms such as bleeding, vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, or uterine squeezing, please report it to your doctor immediately.

Your mother's pregnancy is 27 weeks pregnant.

The right weight in week 27 is 15 to 30 pounds. If you're a little bit heavier than you suggest, maybe 2 pounds a week or more. It's hard to tell your mom to keep weight steady, but you can give you advice on how to control your weight. Maintaining weight in the criteria reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy, including preterm birth, and mothers will be able to enter the third trimester if they don't have to carry too much weight.

If you can conceive twins, At 27 weeks, mum will weigh more than that. However, the twins in the womb are grown and developed at the same level as one child, although there may be one child slightly smaller.

Mothers may feel their kicking force very often, and more often than twice as often as the twins' belly, and will also feel a little hiccup. Next week, mothers should start counting the times they flex to make sure they're in good time each day.

Ultrasound at 27 weeks of pregnancy

At 27 weeks of age, I'm practicing breathing in and exhaling with a rapidly evolving lung. Now you've officially shown your brain activity! From now on, Your brain becomes more and more complex, making the 27-week-old embryo more intelligent than ever.

If now your mother's pregnancy is still possible with neatness. You won't have to see a doctor and don't have an ultrasound from next week. Your mother will see a doctor twice a month, or every two weeks, so you can try to find a book to read or load a good app so that you can't wait too long.

Checklist for 27-week pregnancy

What to do this week:

  1. Choose a pediatrician who meets your needs.
  2. Decide who's going to get into the delivery room.
  3. Planned childbirth


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