Pregnancy Week 23
20 Nov , 2020

Pregnancy Week 23

In week 23, the baby is preparing to open his eyes to the outside world by listening to what's going on. We know that mothers are ready, too. Do not forget that in addition to painting the baby room and stocking enough diapers, it is important. There's still something to be done, even if it doesn't sound like it's financial, that's when it's 23 weeks, it's the right time to call a company where your mom has health insurance. To see what it costs to have your mother out now, and decide what to adjust to prepare for their upcoming child. If you don't already have one, then you'll have to update your savings account for your child. If you're still puzzled, "What savings account?" is now a good time to start a deal, even if it's a little mixed, but as the days go by, the value of the money will increase. The sooner the money starts, the sooner the money will be compounded. One study found that children with their own savings accounts were more likely to go to university, and another research estimated the rough cost of raising a child up to the age of 18 would cost as much as 7,000,000 baht!

What is the size of a 23-week-old fetus?

She's 23 weeks pregnant. Now that you're the size of a grapefruit (a subtropical fruit in orange), on average, you're 11.4 inches long from head to foot and weighs 1.1 pounds. You're not only getting bigger, but also cute and more like babies every day.

23 weeks pregnant

23 weeks is five months, which can be puzzling, because 40 weeks of pregnancy is not equal to nine months. This is why doctors follow pregnancy on a weekly basis rather than monthly.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 23 weeks

Although mothers waved goodbye to nausea and exhaustion during the first quarter, they still had to deal with the 23rd week of the week:

  • Swollen feet and ankles Edema is most common. You can walk normally and drink plenty of water, but please tell your doctor if you have acute swelling. That could be a sign of a dangerous condition called preeclampsia.
  • Stomach pain tricked It must have been a strange feeling, didn't it? My muscles are straining. In general, it is prepared for severe squeezing during childbirth, as long as the symptoms disappear quickly. It means it's just one symptom of pregnancy. Mothers should drink enough water and change their posture frequently to make them feel more comfortable.
  • Back pain It's really bad, but the back pain that doesn't go away is definitely going to happen. While the baby in her stomach grows and begins to bend her spine, as well as pressing on her mother's back muscles. Back pain is common for women who can conceive twins. 23 weeks, this back pain may cause you to worry. You can tell the doctor if you feel a lot of pain.
  • Swollen gums and/or bleeding Did you not think pregnancy would affect your oral health? The increased pregnancy hormone in the bloodstream makes the mother's gums more likely to swell and bleed. If your mother's mouth is more fragile than usual, Make sure to visit your dentist regularly every six months at least, but the dentist may want to check out more for pregnant mothers, but avoid X-rays, which are usually not recommended for pregnant women.

Your mother's pregnancy is 23 weeks pregnant.

In the 23rd week, the abdomen is 21 to 25 centimeters in size, measuring from a headburn bone to the top of the uterus (a measure of the height of the uterus). At 23 weeks of pregnancy, the mother weighs about 12 to 15 pounds. Mothers should now weigh at least 23 pounds. Following the advice of twin pregnancies, it also reduces the risk of premature birth.

This week, when you're moving, you'll feel great, and it's comforting to know that you're in the inside. You'll be less active in your sleep and be the best player when you wake up. Some parents argue that the newborn has the same routine as when she was still pregnant. So if you're kicking at night, you can't sleep. You have to be prepared for the birth!

Ultrasound at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Do you doubt what you'll see if you get an ultrasound in week 23? The cute embryo has a perfect face in this 23rd week, only needing a little more fat to fill the parts. You can enjoy yourself by listening to your mother's voice, as well as the heart of my mother dancing, and you might hear other sounds such as the car's hoot or the sound of a dog barking.

Now you only see the doctor once a month. Therefore, there may not be a doctor this week and there is no ultrasound for the 23rd week of pregnancy, no need for the doctor to check the body, and no need to pee in the cup for examination. Take these time to your advantage! You may be fed up with a lot of tests.

In the third quarter, you may be busy with appointments because you have to see a doctor every other week, and may not feel energized compared to now, so take this time to get things done.

Checklist for 23-week pregnancy

What to do this week:

  1. Have you done your life insurance?
  2. Start decorating your room.
  3. Write or update wills


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