• Pregnancy Week 30

    Nov 21, 2020
    Can you start to feel like you're walking, you're 30 weeks pregnant, not only makes it difficult to find a comfortable person? It's also the focus that people talk about. Wherever you go, there's someone who wants to comment on your mother's appearance right now, which isn't always funny, and of course, mothers will have to meet one or two people who often say no to and throw out embarrassing or painful things (don't know what their problems are). Try not to keep those words from thinking too much. For example, when someone says that your mother looks so clear, believe him because it's really like that! When someone gets up for your mother to sit on a crowded train, Please welcome you!

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  • Pregnancy Week 29

    Nov 20, 2020
    Mom, i'm sorry. This week, mothers will be able to know their personalities. The 29th week is the right time to manage the details, such as preparing the necessary belongings in your room, getting acquainted with the obstetrics and delivery department of the hospital. Choose your pediatrician...

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  • Pregnancy Week 28

    Nov 20, 2020
    Welcome to the third trimester, mothers who are 28 weeks pregnant or more often don't sleep much. If you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, try something to relax. This isn't the time to vacuum the whole house, even if you may feel like doing that a lot (it's a home-organized instinct, you might have heard of it). Instead of doing that, read a book, drink chamomile tea or listen to relaxing music, then go back to sleep!

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